Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Arts Collective

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Founded by two curators André Chan and Chong Chin-yin in 2018, Arts Collective is a curating platform based in Hong Kong. Arts Collective’s practice resides in the intersection of contemporary art and other cultural influences within Hong Kong. We are passionate about synergizing cross-disciplinary dialogues of exchange within Hong Kong and between Hong Kong and abroad through research and networking. Blending boundaries, forming interdisciplinary connections, and synthesizing ideas to further cultural capital and create intellectual value, their work spans across multiple disciplines including exhibition, performance and other interventions. They were selected as Shanghai Powerstation of Art Emerging Curator 2018.

Crafts on Peel

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Crafts on Peel is a charitable organization to revive, reinterpret and perpetuate traditional craftsmanship by fostering collaborations between traditional craftsmen and contemporary artisans through apprenticeship and exchange of techniques, with the aim of nurturing the younger generations to incorporate traditional skills into innovative contemporary design.

Located in a historic building in the heart of Hong Kong, Crafts on Peel also serves as a creative venue—through exhibitions, workshops and Artisan-in-Residence program, to enhance our appreciation of craftsmanship and celebrate our cultural heritage and collective identity.

Hong Kong Innovation Foundation

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The Hong Kong Innovation Foundation (HKIF) is a non profit organisation founded by Ng Family in March 2018. We believe that innovation and technology will define our future.
By nurturing young minds and accelerating innovative solutions to real-life challenges, HKIF is empowering today’s innovators to transform Hong Kong into a global technology hub for tomorrow.
HKIF is a holistic innovation ecosystem committed to supporting innovation and technology, as well as building a smart and sustainable future together. We provide a variety of platforms to serve different sectors of the community.

Hong Kong Guangzhou Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Club (name only available in Chinese)

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Tourism Commission

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The Tourism Commission was established in May 1999 and is under the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau. It is headed by the Commissioner for Tourism who is tasked to map out Government’s tourism development policy and strategy; to provide a focal point for liaison with the tourism industry and to enhance co-ordination in developing tourism.

Tate Modern

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Explore modern and contemporary art from around the world

See some of the world’s most exciting modern and contemporary art at Tate Modern. Enjoy innovative works that have shaped art as we know it. Our gallery is free to visit. On display are paintings, sculptures and large-scale installations from artists around the world including Pablo Picasso, Yayoi Kusama and Henri Matisse. Explore the iconic Turbine Hall alongside our underground Tanks, a striking space dedicated to live performances and video.

Association of Overseas Chinese Artists

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This content is only available in Chinese

The Overseas with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Association of Chinese Calligraphers

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