Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

KO The Box


K.O. The Box is a Hong Kong-registered theatre and art community. The name “K.O The Box” was obviously inspired by the phrase “think out of the box”. “K.O.” means to vanish. Thinking out of the box means pushing the boundaries of creativity and vanishing the taboos to us. Before to “K.O.” , we need get to know “The Box”. We believe there is constraint and boundary when you want to execute a project. We would explore. We would investigate. We would look at where the boundary is in order to find the “freedom within boundary”. When we understand fully what the boundary lays on, we can take it as a goal and direction to push it further slightly at a time. And we believe “Possibilities” exists in a form of planning. Any forms, but it only exists when there is a theme, conceptual rationale, initial idea, or just a spark of thoughts which is readable to the others. On a contrary, random trials and vague direction would shrink the creative itself.

Event Art Form


Event records matching KO The Box in the databank

Sorted in anti-chronological order

Start Date
End Date
Art forms
Start Date: 2017/12/15
End Date: 2017/12/17

Event: Killing Time

    Art forms:
  • Theatre
Start Date: 2015/07/11
End Date: 2015/07/19
    Art forms:
  • Theatre
Start Date: 2015/02/05
End Date: 2015/02/09
    Art forms:
  • Theatre
Start Date: 2013/12/19
End Date: 2013/12/23
    Art forms:
  • Theatre
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