Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Hong Kong Five Senses Education Experimental Theatre


Five Senses Education Theatre (Hong Kong) is the Establisher of Sensory Childcare Theatre & professisonal Sensory Drama Education in Hong Kong. We are focus on creating a theatre without limitations like ages, languages, races and abilities,
in form of【Sensory Stimulation, Movement, Music, Multimedia, Sensory Interactive Scenes】and We hope that preschoolers and child even with disability can be part of the act and learn from the play throughout senses study and interaction, meanwhile adults can also have fun and enjoy themselves.

Event Art Form

Dance, Music, Theatre

Event records matching Hong Kong Five Senses Education Experimental Theatre in the databank

Sorted in anti-chronological order

Start Date
End Date
Art forms
Start Date: 2017/04/15
End Date: 2017/04/17
    Art forms:
  • Theatre
Start Date: 2016/08/12
End Date: 2016/08/14
    Art forms:
  • Theatre
Start Date: 2016/02/20
End Date: 2016/02/21
    Art forms:
  • Theatre
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