Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Asian People’s Theatre Festival Society


Asian People’s Theatre Festival Society (Hong Kong) was established in 1994 and it organizes performances, workshops and seminars to promote people’s theatre and people’s culture. It seeks to integrate various people’s theatre methodologies (including playback theatre) and incorporate the ideas, methods and development of educational theatre in different parts of the world to run people’s theatre workshops. Through systematic training, participants will unleash their potential and will formulate their own voice in the creative process and attain empowerment. Over the past decade, the Society has also produced numerous cross cultural works that used different languages and toured to different countries including “Big Wind”, “Yours Most Obediently”, “Macau 123″, “The Bursting of the Asian Economic Bubbles”, “Rivers, Blood & Ashes”, ” On the Way to the Front” etc.The Society collaborated with migrant workers in Hong Kong in many cultural projects and promoted Butoh also quite vigorously.

Event Art Form

Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts

Official Webpage

Event records matching Asian People’s Theatre Festival Society in the databank

Sorted in anti-chronological order

Start Date
End Date
Art forms
Start Date: 2019/03/19
End Date: 2019/04/07
    Art forms:
  • Visual Arts
Start Date: 2018/09/28
End Date: 2018/10/21
    Art forms:
  • Visual Arts
Start Date: 2014/01/24
End Date: 2014/02/09
    Art forms:
  • Visual Arts
Start Date: 2013/10/13
End Date: 2013/10/13
    Art forms:
  • Visual Arts
Start Date: 2013/10/12
End Date: 2013/10/12
    Art forms:
  • Visual Arts
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