Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

PROVOKE the Age, the Acts: 50 Years’ Quest for a Language to Come

Visual Arts

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Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, L0, L1 Gallery & Central Courtyard

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Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, L0, L1 Gallery & Central Courtyard

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End Date


PROVOKE the Age, the Acts: 50 Years’ Quest for a Language to Come

Hong Kong International Photo Festival 2018



The 2018 Hong Kong International Photo Festival spotlights the legendary magazine in a landmark exhibition “Provoke the age, the acts: 50 years’ quest for a language to come” curated by Tokyo-based curator NAGASAWA Akio. Through the eyes of a dozen emerging and prolific artists of the 1960s and 1970s – including Nakahira Takuma, Moriyama Daido, Tomatsu Shomei, Sawatari Hajime, Suda Issei, and the late Hamaguchi Takashi – we see the Tokyo of the PROVOKE era: a shifting metropolis in the midst of global upheaval, and a modern Japanese society in rapid transformation.

Artists:Hamaguchi Takashi [Japan]; Hosoe Eikoh [Japan]; Kurata Seiji [Japan]; Moriyama Daido [Japan]; Naito Masatoshi [Japan]; Nakahira Takuma [Japan]; Nomura Sakiko [Japan]; Sawatari Hajime [Japan]; SPEW [Japan]; Suda Issei [Japan]; Tomatsu Shomei [Japan]; Yoshiyuki Kohei [Japan]

Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2018" published by Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Indoor / Outdoor


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