Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Mat6 Gwai1 Yun4 Jyu2-A Solo Exhibition by Debe Sham

Visual Arts

Event Detail Image
Art Genres / Sub-categories

Mixed Media and Installation


Cattle Depot Artist Village, Unit 14, 1a space
Unit 14

Start Date


End Date


Art Genres / Sub-categories

Mixed Media and Installation


Cattle Depot Artist Village, Unit 14, 1a space
Unit 14

Start Date


End Date


Mat6 Gwai1 Yun4 Jyu2-A Solo Exhibition by Debe Sham



1a space proudly presents Mat6 Gwai1 Yun4 Jyu2 – A Solo Exhibition by Debe Sham. The solo exhibition aims to epitomize the artist ‘s residency experience in the USA and to share the outcome of her research and experience in Yale University with Hong Kong audience. The exhibition sums up the artist’s residency experiences ranging from workshops carried out in American public schools, collaboration with Eli Whitney Museum (New Haven, Connecticut), the final artwork result – New Haven Green & I showed in public parks during the Pop-Up Festivals and International Festival of Arts and Ideas, as well as the process of making a new series of work.
The exhibition presents the findings of the research-based art project that the artist developed in New Haven, USA and aiming to create an artistic dialogue with Hong Kong audiences.
Artist Statement:
History is reincarnation. It repeats, changes and touches human soul. I am so pleased to live in one and become part of it. Current global political situation fluctuates without rules, only facts; no patterns, only preferences; no sequences, only prejudice. “Prophecy” comes from today’s happenings. At this very moment, I insist on believing the existence of the certain fact, for instance, interpersonal relationship. Mat6 Gwai1 Yun4 Jyu2 is my vainly attempt towards the eternal time.
Short biographies of the artist
Debe Sham graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University in Visual Arts (B.A. 2011 & M.A. 2013). She then has taught as a visiting artist at the Department of Visual Studies, Hong Kong Lingnan University. Debe has joined the Academy of Visual Arts, HKBU as a part-time lecturer since January 2016. She received the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (New York) Yale-China Art Fellowship 2017 and served as a research scholar at Yale University (U.S.A.). Currently, she is based in Hong Kong and joined the Department of Fine Arts in the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a part-time lecturer.
Debe is a sculptor and an interdisciplinary artist, usually works with metal and glass. The performative sculptures and site-specific installations she has developed in the past several years have grown out of the artistic exploration of the role of public art. Specifically, she has focused on interactivity as a means of generating dialogue between art and its audience; the ambiguity of interpersonal communication in different social situations; and the history and culture of toys, games and playgrounds.

Organiser / Presenter 1a space
Artist:Debe Sham [Hong Kong]

Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2018" published by Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Indoor / Outdoor


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