Live Jazz Series: Stephane Belmondo “Love for Chet”
Of all jazz musicians, Chet Baker was the one who influenced the minds and souls of people most. Baker’s music had a secret language of its own that communicated directly with people’s hearts. Despite the fact that Baker’s fans were devastated at the news of his passing, his music lives on in their hearts.
As a jazz trumpet player with numerous European music awards to his name, Stephane Belmondo (1994 Django Reinhardt Prize) is a devoted fan of Chet Baker who, shortly before his death in 1988, came to hear Belmondo play in Paris.
In memory of Baker, Belmondo will perform one of Baker’s albums in honour of the legendary jazz trumpeter, nearly thirty years after his death.
Guitar:Jesse Van Ruller [France]
Double-bass:Thomas Bramerie [France]