Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Explanatory Notes

This website provides three search interfaces, namely, Events, Organisations and Articles. Details are as follows:


(I) Events Search

▸ 1. Scope

This website compiles records of local Performing Arts performances and Visual Arts exhibitions dated from 2010 onwards. Performing Arts performances include only those public performances and competitions of Dance, Theatre, Xiqu and Music (except Pop Music) held at performing arts venues in Hong Kong; whereas Visual Arts exhibitions include public exhibitions held at all indoor and outdoor venues (such as galleries, arts and cultural facilities, shopping centres, universities and public spaces).

2. Data Sources

Event records on this website are compiled from the data in the following Arts Yearbook and Hong Kong Annual Arts Survey projects:


Project name Executed by
Hong Kong Dance Yearbook (2010 to 2014) Hong Kong Dance Sector Joint Conference
Hong Kong Drama Yearbook (2010 to 2014) International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Xiqu Yearbook (2010 to 2014) International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Classical Music Yearbook (2014 to 2015) International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Theatre Yearbook (Dance, Xiqu, Drama) (2015 to 2016) International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook (2010 to 2017) Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Annual Arts Survey (continued from the above project years) Hong Kong Arts Development Council


All event records on this website, unless stated on the event details page as being compiled from the Arts Yearbook projects, or proactively provided or verified by the respective performer, performing/production group, presenter, event organiser, exhibition curator, etc., are otherwise sourced through public channels by HKADC.


If an event only has Chinese promotional materials, this website will record such Chinese content only and mark in the corresponding English data fields that such data are “only available in Chinese”. If an event only has English promotional materials, it will be displayed in English only in either the Chinese or the English pages of this website. If an event has incomplete information (for example, the event start date or end date is unknown), the data field for the missing information will not be displayed in the event details page.

3. Classification

Classification of all arts events is with reference to the Hong Kong Annual Arts Survey project conducted by HKADC. Supplementary information is sourced from publicly available promotional materials, invitations, and official websites of organisers of individual events, as well as from local newspapers, magazines and electronic media.

4. General Guidelines


The keyword search function in the Events search interface applies to event title, programme description, names of organiser/presenter, co-organiser/co-presenter and performing/production unit, performer/artist/production crew, event series name and venue.


Art Form

The user can select Performing Arts or Visual Arts as appropriate. If Performing Arts is selected, the user can further specify the art form (Dance, Theatre, Xiqu and Music) and then the art genres / sub-categories; if Visual Arts is selected, the user can choose the art genres / sub-categories directly.


Art Genres / Sub-categories

When searching for arts programmes or exhibitions by art form, the user can further select the art genres / sub-categories under the respective art form. For example, specific art genres/sub-categories of Dance programmes include Ballet, Chinese Dance, Modern / Contemporary Dance, etc.; Theatre programmes include Drama, Musical / Cabaret, Physical Theatre / Mime, etc. Some art genres / sub-categories apply to all performing art forms (Dance, Theatre, Xiqu and Music), including Multimedia Installation, Multi-Arts, Imagery, Animation, Competition, Award-presentation Ceremony, and Chanting / Reading.


The art genres / sub-categories filter is not applicable when All Categories is selected.


Events Series

Some arts programmes or exhibitions are part of an arts festival, arts scheme, exhibition series or performance series. The user can choose the relevant series type, series name, year / wave of series when searching for such programmes or exhibitions.


Please note that individual annual events and competitions such as the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival are excluded from series search.



Except a few entries with incomplete records, most of the programmes or exhibitions included in this Databank have start date and end date information. When searching for arts programmes or exhibitions, the user can specify the event start date and end date to limit the search results to arts programmes or exhibitions held during the specific time period.


If the exact start date of an event is not available (for example only the start year, or only the start month and year are available), then for searching purpose, the start date will be assumed as the first day of the recorded start year or start month. If the exact end date of an event is not available (for example only the end year, or only the end month and year are available), then for searching purpose, the end date will be assumed as the last day of the recorded end year or end month. As an illustration, if an event is recorded as being held from November 2013 to January 2014, the date range applicable to the event during a search will be 1 November 2013 to 31 January 2014.


Venue Name and Type

The user can also search for arts programmes or exhibitions by specifying the name or type of the venue. If the venue is unknown, the venue type of the event will be classified as “Data unavailable”. Performing arts programmes recorded on this website are mainly held at indoor performing arts venues.


Local Production/Non-local Production

Programmes of performing arts (Dance, Theatre, Xiqu and Music) are categorized into local/non-local productions to distinguish between programmes produced by local arts groups and non-local arts groups (which include Mainland China, Macao, Taiwan and overseas units). As for Visual Arts exhibitions, as well as certain performing arts programmes where the production units cannot be verified, they will be classified as “Data unavailable” for the local/non-local production data field.


Admission and Ticketing

Admission and ticketing information is also available for programmes of performing arts (Dance, Theatre, Xiqu and Music). The user can filter free or paid programmes during a search. If ticketing information is unavailable for a programme or if the programme adopts free pricing or admission by donation, it will be classified as “Data unavailable” for the admission search field. As the Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook do not collect admission and ticketing information, all Visual Arts exhibitions are classified as “Data unavailable” for the admission search field.


Sorting of Results

The event search results are listed in reverse chronological order based on the start date of the arts programmes or exhibitions. In case the start date of a certain programme or exhibition is unavailable, its end date will be used for sorting purposes.


The user can also download the search results in Microsoft Excel format to re-sort the event records where needed.


(II) Organisations Search

▸ 1. Scope

Organisations available for search comprise arts groups primarily. Groups and associations that have organised, co-organised, produced or performed in arts events recorded on this website are included, for example social welfare organisations, commercial entities, tertiary institutions, and other organisations that have participated in arts events. Exceptions are secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens, nurseries and their associated student organisations, parent-teacher associations, alumni associations, etc. Also excluded are units such as mutual aid committees of residential buildings, owners’ corporations, and offices of legislator or district councillors.

2. General Guidelines

When searching for organisations, the user can key in the organisation name directly, or refine the search by selecting the role type (organiser/presenter, co-organiser/co-presenter, performing/production unit) of an organisation, or the art form (Dance, Theatre, Xiqu, Music, Visual Arts) and date of any event that the organisation has involved in. If the organisation has involved in events in more than one art form, it will be shown in the search results when the user filters by any of the relevant art forms.


(III) Articles Search

At the current phase, feature articles on this website are compiled from Year Overview in Arts series (which have since 2017 published feature articles to replace the Arts Yearbook projects) commissioned by HKADC. The user can search for articles by filtering the relevant art form and project year, and by entering the article title or author name in the keyword search bar.


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