Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

About the Arts Events Databank

Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) is a statutory body set up by the Government to support the broad development of the arts in Hong Kong. One of our main roles is to understand the arts environment and keep abreast of the latest development of local arts. HKADC used to run the “Arts Yearbook” series, and has continued to implement the “Hong Kong Annual Arts Survey” project, so as to record the development of Dance, Theatre, Xiqu, Music and Visual Arts in different ways. The objectives are to preserve the results of local arts development, and to continuously understand and analyse the local arts milieu and its development trends.


This Databank has compiled records of arts events and exhibitions from the various Arts Yearbook projects between 2010 and 2016, as well as the statistics from the Hong Kong Annual Arts Surveys since 2017. It aims to provide a convenient way for the public to search for information on Dance, Theatre, Xiqu and Music performances, and on Visual Arts exhibitions held in Hong Kong over the years. More such performance and exhibition records will be consolidated into the Databank, and search functions will be further enhanced to facilitate the review, analysis and research activities by the arts sector.


The Databank has also included feature articles from the “Year Overview in Arts” project launched by HKADC since 2017 to illustrate the major happenings and phenomena in the Dance, Theatre, Xiqu and Visual Arts sectors in the respective years, in order to facilitate public understanding of the developments and results of local arts from different angles.


To build a more comprehensive Databank, arts practitioners and members of the public are welcomed to contact HKADC here to provide details of arts event records.


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