Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.



Event Detail Image
Art Genres / Sub-categories

Modern, Contemporary Dance


HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Multi-media Theatre

Start Date


End Date


Art Genres / Sub-categories

Modern, Contemporary Dance


HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Multi-media Theatre

Start Date


End Date



City Contemporary Dance Festival 2017



The deepest feeling always shows itself in silence. It may be the soundlessness after a long battle with oneself, or turning a blind eye to oneself.

As a wing, you and I take off for a goal. We finally approach the perfect flight.

We experience countless successes and failures to achieve our goals. Sometimes we fall, other times we exhaust ourselves. But in time, we slowly find ourselves flying towards our goals. Using the action of leap and jump, “Flight” depicts how we take off for our goals. As humans cannot fly alone, the limitation is overcome by two people achieving an impeccable flight.

We are overly engrossed in the mixed blessings of life and become all tense in an era of intertwined values and of overlapping relationships. As a sense of negativeness, desire, destruction and deviation settle within our minds and bodies, goblins start to dance. However, goblins only grow with our efforts to hide or push them away, while our minds and bodies wither away.

Transition is imperative. A transition acknowledging the fact that negativeness is a precondition for positiveness; desire is another expression of a dream; destruction is a prerequisite of order; and deviation is another path for an orbit.

Acknowledging that conflicting element (xiangke: mutual overcoming) is not subject to removal but is rather an element for coexistence (xiangsheng: mutual generation).

To that end, I set up a stage for the goblins in my mind and body. I freely exhibit the goblins within me, those that I had oppressed and hid; and meet and appreciate the other ‘me’ inside me. And we all have an exhilarating and splendid time. Just like in the old stories, where people met goblins and danced all night. I aim to understand that my mind and body is a small universe of its own, and to fully appreciate the beauty of the diversity coexisting and creating that universe.

Organiser / Presenter City Contemporary Dance Company
Choreography and Direction:Choi Young-hyun
Lighting Design:Choi Young-hyun
Music:Ryoji Ikeda-Space; Headphonics; Bjork-Headphones
Photo:Park Sang Yun

Choreography and Direction:Jeong Cheolin
Lighting Design:TAK Hyeong seon
Photo:Kim Jeong-hwan

Choreography and Direction:Lee Kyung-eun
Sound Design:Jimmy Sert
Drama Consultant:Kyung mo AHN
Photo:Sang Hoon OK




Indoor / Outdoor


Local / Non-local Production


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