Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

The Ink Dialogues By Art Projects Gallery

Visual Arts

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PMQ, Staunton, S510, Art Projects Gallery

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PMQ, Staunton, S510, Art Projects Gallery

Start Date


End Date


The Ink Dialogues By Art Projects Gallery



Art Projects Gallery proudly presents “The Ink Dialogues” exhibition featuring the works of two Asian contemporary ink artists, Tay Bak Chiang and Cai Jinwei.

Both Bak Chiang and Jinwei have had years of training in Chinese ink painting. Absorbing the essence of traditional Chinese ink painting, they have been exploring technical innovation and seeking new interpretations to address contemporary sensibilities and aesthetics.

While the singularity of the artists’ works are visually apparent and demonstrates the depth and diversity of the possibilities in contemporary Chinese ink, It is also interesting to observe the aspects of universality in their works, despite their different backgrounds and age. This universality, whether deliberate or sub-consciously embedded in the artists’ works are the common denominator that links the contemporary ink movement back to the philosophy behind Chinese ink painting.

Like a language that connects people, the universality in Chinese ink painting empowers the ability to communicate across geographies, cultures and different generations of people. The beauty of the language, whether linguistic or this case visual, is also the capacity to accommodate individual idiosyncrasies of time and place that so often are the elements that define character and personality. The dialogues between the universal and individual, artist and audience, past and present, are the basis of the “Ink Dialogues – contemporary ink works” exhibition at Art Projects Gallery.

Organiser / Presenter Art Projects Gallery
Artists:Tay Bak Chiang; Cai Jinwei

Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2015" published by Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Indoor / Outdoor


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