Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Excerpts Performed by Xi’an Yisu Society


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Qinqiang Opera


Ko Shan Theatre, New Wing Auditorium

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Art Genres / Sub-categories

Qinqiang Opera


Ko Shan Theatre, New Wing Auditorium

Start Date


End Date


Excerpts Performed by Xi’an Yisu Society

Chinese Opera Festival 2017



The regional operas of Shaanxi province are characterized by their diverse genres. Amongst them, Qinqiang, Wanwanqiang and Meihu Operas were included in the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Qinqiang Opera is the origin of the bangzi vocal style. It is widely popular in Shaanxi and Gansu areas. The singing style is resounding, powerful and intense, while the performances are full of energy. Wanwanqiang Opera, which literally translates as “bowl singing”, is named after the copper bowls used as the main accompanying percussion. The romantic and delicate music of this opera genre features elegant lyrics. The music of Meihu Opera belongs to the musical system of set tunes – the melodies are beautiful and the acts are performed in a lively style. Guanzhongdaoqing Opera is also known as Chang’an-daoqing. It was originally sung at a seated round table, performed in a temporary stage in a plaza or as shadow puppet shows. The music and singing style is mainly based on a variation of tempos. The winners of Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre and two-time winners of the Award at Shaanxi Traditional Opera Research Institute will be presenting the spectacular classic excerpts of these four ancient genres. The Xi’an Yisu Society will also be invited to showcase representative works of Qinqiang Opera. This century-old institution comprises a long list of renowned artists and it is one of the oldest surviving art troupes in the Mainland, having created and performed more than 700 plays in its repertoire since its establishment. The theatre premises of the Society has also been listed as an “Intangible Cultural Heritage Unit Preserved at the National Level”. Romance in the Closet and Watching the Maiden presented in this festival were the first productions staged by Xi’an Yisu Society in 1915 – they are timeless plays that have been delighting the audience for more than 100 years.
Qinqiang Opera Excerpts:Little Banquet, Romance in the Closet, Black Tiger on the Counter, A Lesson from the Mother, Watching the Maiden, On Broken Bridge


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