Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Stage Dedication and Open Day Performances – Excerpts from The Purple Hairpin


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Cantonese Opera


West Kowloon Cultural District, Xiqu Centre, Grand Theatre

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Art Genres / Sub-categories

Cantonese Opera


West Kowloon Cultural District, Xiqu Centre, Grand Theatre

Start Date


End Date


Stage Dedication and Open Day Performances – Excerpts from The Purple Hairpin



Four excerpts from The Purple Hairpin: “Picking up the Purple Hairpin”, “Breaking the Willow Branch at the Yangguan Pass”, “Reunion of Sword and Pin” and “Princely Favours”

Playwright: Tong Tik-sang

A Tong Tik-sang staple, this is the love story of Huo Xiaoyu, a beautiful courtesan and Li Yi, a talented young scholar.

On the night of the Spring Lantern Festival – Chinese Valentine’s Day – Li picks up a purple hairpin that Huo has dropped. Before the night ends the two have fallen deeply in love and married. The same night, Lu Yanzhen, the daughter of a high official, also has a chance encounter with Li and lets him know that she is keen to marry him. When Li declines, Lu’s father punishes him by sending him to a distant military post.

In Li’s absence, Huo struggles to make ends meet and is soon forced to pawn her jewellery, including the precious purple hairpin. But the arrival of a mysterious horseman in yellow garb brings hope that the pair may soon be reunited.

Cast:Loong Koon-tin; Tang Mi-ling; Roger Chan; Lui Hung-kwong; Chan Ka-ming; Song Hong-bo; Lam Man-sing
Playwright:Tang Ti-sheng
Artistic Director:Loong Koon-tin




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