Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

New Art Space

Author : Lee Hoi-yin Joanna
Art Form : Visual Arts
Year : 2015

245 Hong Kong exhibition venues were in the record of Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2014, while the tally was 253 in 2015. A characteristic of the new art space opened in 2015 is their being artists’ initiative and non-government-funded. Hong Kong artists are making an effort to explore the third option for displaying, clustering and creation space besides those commercially- and publicly-funded.

Hashtag : Connecting Space Hong Kong; Floating Projects; CHAT; Star Projects; Things that can happen; Angelika Li; Chantal Wong; Lai Chiu-han Linda; Lai Wai-leung; Lee Kit; Mary Lee; Nuria Kreamer; Wong Chun-hoi; Yeung Yang; No.1 Sharp Street West, A3

The views and opinions expressed in this article do not represent the stand of the Council.

West Kowloon Cultural District

Author : Lee Hoi-yin Joanna
Year : 2015
Tally of Hong Kong Permanent Exhibition Venues (2013-2018)

Author : Lee Hoi-yin Joanna
Year : 2018
“Culture bureau”

Author : Lee Hoi-yin Joanna
Year : 2012
West Kowloon Cultural District

Author : Lee Hoi-yin Joanna
Year : 2017
In Memory of Four Deceased Visual Arts Practitioners

Author : Lee Hoi-yin Joanna
Year : 2017
Temporary Operation Suspension of Shanghai Street Artspace

Author : Lee Hoi-yin Joanna
Year : 2018
West Kowloon Cultural District

Author : Lee Hoi-yin Joanna
Year : 2012
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