Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Hua-yen Sūtra – Purification Practices


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Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Grand Theatre

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Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Grand Theatre

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Hua-yen Sūtra – Purification Practices

Architecture is Art Festival 2017



Enlightening Theatre Unveils the World Created by the Mind
“As if having ice cream in the seething summer heat, the tranquility is beyond words.”- Professor Ou Fan Leo Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
“The show reveals a state of compatible ease between the mind and the world.”
– Performance Arts Review (Taiwan)
Light is symbolic of the Sakyamuni Buddha’s ultimate enlightenment. It was described as emanating from his entire body and shining in all directions. Upon enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree, the Buddha gave his first teachings which were recorded in the Hua-Yen Sūtra (the Avatamsaka Sūtra). In this Zuni performance, light is the key creative element, coming from multiple sources in real-time interaction with multimedia installation and live music. Based on the chapter “Practice of Purification” of the Sūtra, this performance focuses on daily practices for wisdom seekers to carry out mindfully in their daily lives at all times.
Original Text by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. Extracted from the book Cultivating the Mind of Love

Organiser / Presenter Zuni Icosahedron
Performing / Production Unit Zuni Icosahedron
Original Text:Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh
Advisor (Script & Text):Venerable Sik Hin Hung
Advisor (Hua-Yen Siddham Alphabet Chanting):Venerable Sik Tsang Chit
Director, Scriptwriter & Designer:Mathias Woo
Music Director & Composer:Yu Yat-yiu
Costume Designer:William Chang
Chinese Calligraphy (Digital Images):Tong Yang-tze
Creative Writing:Lin Xi


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