Compiled from the Performing Arts programmes* and Visual Arts exhibition records from HKADC’s Arts Yearbooks and Annual Arts Survey projects dating from 2010.

Cocorico By Patrice Thibaud: Philippe Leygnac


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Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Studio Theatre

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Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Studio Theatre

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Cocorico By Patrice Thibaud: Philippe Leygnac

Le French May Arts Festival 2011



“Wit, invention, style,and virtuosity: “Cocorico” has real artistry and a poetic sensibility that understands why we need laughter.” – The Herald

A funny Frenchman? Yeah right. A funny French mime? Don’t make me laugh!

But you will laugh because “Cocorico” will have you in stitches from the start.

Patrice Thibaud and Phillipe Leygnac are impeccably paired as classic funny man-straight man comedy duo. Small and dapper, Leygnac is the passive, sidekick to the larger, genially exuberant Thibaud.

An accomplished musician and contortionist, Leygnac plays ragtime, classical, jazz and film soundtracks on a variety of instruments, with constant interruption from Thibaud, principle mime and overgrown child of a partner who persists in pestering him until he can take no more. And it is this relationship, filled with hilarious non-stop sparring and one-upmanship that drives the show.

From its wonderfully surprising opening act through to adept cycling techniques, a spaghetti western, a funny shadow duck play, and crazy circus, this duo will have you marvelling at their ability to conjure up a whole world of illusions out of nothing, with no words and very few props.

What takes the show beyond being just a series of sketches is their astutely observed situations, and that the constant break-up and make-up of their relationship reflects the interchange of human lives; our hopes, fears and utter ridiculousness as human beings.

Performing / Production Unit Patrice Thibaud and Philippe Leygnac
Language : English, French
Note:This event record is compiled from "Hong Kong Drama Yearbook 2011" published by International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong).


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